Welcome to Love Pillars, try our free love test!

Love Pillars

What are Love Pillars?

Love  Pillars are the five essential compatibility factors in a romantic relationship. 

Tell me more!

The five Love Pillars are:

1. Friendship

2. Teamwork

3. Affection

4. Respect

5. Communication 

How do they work and how will they help me?

Measure the health of your relationship and determine what action to take by receiving our free analysis after you score your relationship against each Love Pillar.

Love Test

Score your relationship against each Love Pillar as a 0, 1 , 2 or 3.


0 = COMPLETE FAIL. This person will likely never meet my needs for this Love Pillar. 

1 = MARGINAL FAIL.  This person does not currently meet enough of my needs for this Love Pillar, but it could improve or get worse. 

2 = MARGINAL PASS. This person currently meets the majority of my needs for this Love Pillar, but it could improve or get worse. 

3 = COMPLETE PASS. This person will likely always meet my needs for this Love Pillar.


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